Strength Studio

We Build Better Bodies

At Strength Studio, we offer 1-on-1 personalized training performed by certified professionals. We believe individualized training is the key to efficient results.  Our staff is highly skilled in the art and science of fat loss and human performance. We use this knowledge to design customized programs that will address your specific needs.

Since opening our doors in 2007, Strength Studio has provided superior personal training  for clients of every physical level in our well-equipped distraction-free gym.

The individual is the basis for all exercise and nutrition recommendations. We maintain precise records for each client, this allows us to make educated adjustments when needed. We are constantly searching for more effective ways to accelerate fat loss, improve athletic performance, and increase strength. We routinely reevaluate everything we do to ensure we are never complacent. We never dismiss any method, but we will question every method. If it can be improved, we will experiment and try to improve.

Top 3 Reasons Why You're Not Healing

Top 3 Reasons Why You’re Not Healing

Most would agree that you must perform modalities such as physical therapy and massage when recovering from an injury, illness, or surgery. These activities are necessary but they are not primary in my opinion. What is missed by almost everyone is that you are unlikely to recover if you are following the same diet and living in the same environment that made you sick and injured. You must modify your diet and environment if you want to heal and thrive.

Three things you must address if you want to recover rapidly.

  1. Sunshine and nature. 
    All living creatures are directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis, but most don’t realize that just like plants, we need regular exposure to natural sunlight in order to thrive. Optimal sun exposure is necessary to achieve optimal health(1). Not only do we need sunlight to produce Vitamin D, sunlight has a direct effect on our endocrine function by way of nitric oxide, circadian rhythm, and melatonin production(2). If you want to improve performance and recovery, create a schedule that allows you to spend at least 30 minutes/day in direct sunlight. Spend as much time outdoors everyday with as much skin exposed as possible without getting burned. Dark skin individuals will need more sun exposure than a fair skin person in order to achieve the same benefits.

  2. Insufficient ingestion of high quality animal proteins/fats and excess ingestion of plant foods.
    Yeah I said it!
    I did not come to this conclusion on a whim. It took me several years of trial and error to realize that my childhood dislike of vegetables was more than just being a picky eater and after eliminating most vegetables from my diet my digestive issues and brain fog rapidly vanished. Our physiology is clearly designed to thrive on energy dense animal proteins and fats. According to the Hungarian medical group, Paleomedicina, “The paleolithic ketogenic diet(80-100% animal based) is a healthy diet tailored to the biology of the human species regardless of age, gender, religion, skin color, nationality, and country of origin. The paleolithic ketogenic diet is biologically the most fitting diet for humans, the deviation from which is the cause of almost all chronic medical conditions.”  That’s a bold statement, but after treating more than 4000 patients suffering from serious illnesses including autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and cancer, they have the case studies to back it up. To learn more about the details of a paleolithic-ketogenic diet which is different from the standard Paleo diet or Atkins type diet, go to
    If you want detailed information about the negative side of plant foods, Dr Paul Saladino has written “The Carnivore Code” an excellent book on the benefits of consuming a meat-based diet.

  3. Excessive exposure to non-native EMF’s(electromagnetic fields).
    We live in a toxic soup of electromagnetic fields which have become a necessary commodity of modern life. An electromagnetic field(EMF) is a physical field produced by an electrically charged object.
    The 4 primary types of EMF:
    1. Electric Fields(power lines, household wiring, appliances)
    2. Magnetic Fields(high voltage power lines, electrical panels, etc…)
    3. Dirty Electricity(fluorescent lights, dimmer switches, chargers)
    4. Radio Frequency(Wifi, Cell towers, bluetooth, cell phones)
    Of these 4 electromagnetic fields, radio frequencies have gained the upper hand as the most problematic because they are pervasive and constant in most households.
    Why should you worry about radio frequencies?
    EMF’s, particularly radio frequencies(RF), can impair your healing ability by disrupting melatonin hormone production and increasing oxidative stress(3).  
    Basic steps to reduce RF exposure:
    -Switch cell phone to airplane mode when carrying on your body or while driving
    -Use wired earbuds or speaker when talking on cell phone
    -Turn off all WiFi and bluetooth devices before bedtime
    -Unplug all electronic devices near your bed
    -Remove all smart devices and cell phones from the bedroom.

If you think these recommendations are extreme, think about this recent report.“The prevalence of Alzheimer’s and or dementia increased by 83 percent for Independence Blue Cross (Independence) members age 30-44; 50 percent for members age 45-54; and 40 percent for members 55-64 from 2014-2017.”
Are EMF’s to blame? I would guess that the excessive use of smart devices(among 30-44 age group) which emit huge amounts of radio frequencies are part of the problem, but it is unlikely that we will see any serious studies to confirm the link.

Use these suggestions as you like, but stay vigilant and listen to your body.

  1. Holick MF. Vitamin D: a d-lightful solution for health. J Investig Med. 2011;59(6):872–880. doi:10.2310/JIM.0b013e318214ea2d

  2. Fleury N, Geldenhuys S, Gorman S. Sun Exposure and Its Effects on Human Health: Mechanisms through Which Sun Exposure Could Reduce the Risk of Developing Obesity and Cardiometabolic Dysfunction. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13(10):999. Published 2016 Oct 11. doi:10.3390/ijerph13100999

  3. Desai NR, Kesari KK, Agarwal A. Pathophysiology of cell phone radiation: oxidative stress and carcinogenesis with focus on male reproductive system. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2009;7:114. Published 2009 Oct 22. doi:10.1186/1477-7827-7-114

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