3 Strategies for Lifelong Health and Vitality
Health and physical fitness are moving targets that require periodic adjustments.
Here are 3 simple strategies that will help you in the long rung.
Accept your current physical state
Regardless of the circumstances or events that led to your current physical state, that is where you are and that's your reality. This is the place from which you must start. Your past physical prowess(or lack thereof) is not relevant to your current state of being. What may have worked for you back in your younger days may not work now. Start from the present.
Respect Your Joints
You are only as healthy as your joints. A healthy joint is mobile, stable, and pain free. If your current activities are causing painful wrists, shoulders, knees, hips, and/or low back, you need to re-evaluate what you are doing. Joint pain is not a right of passage to a fit body. Joint pain will decrease your level of spontaneous activity which is of primary importance if you want to stay healthy and look good for a lifetime.
You must establish optimal joint mobility before loading the body with stressful activities. Avoid exercises that place excess stress on your joints. Get evaluated by a qualified professional before engaging in activities such as high-intensity strength training, Olympic lifting, and sprinting.
Develop habits that produce measurable improvements
Goals are useless unless they are attached to a behavorial change. I prefer to set habitual goals that cause change. Here are 3 habitual goals that will produce positive physical changes:
“I will eat 3 servings of fibrous organic vegetables along with 3 servings of high quality animal proteins every day.”
“I will eliminate sugary beverages from my daily diet.”
“I will go to bed before 10:30pm every weekday.”
Customize your habitual goals based on your needs.