Do you want to lose body-fat?
Do you want a stronger and more resilient body?
Do you want to improve your health and longevity?
Solution: Strength Train to build more muscle!
What's so great about building muscle tissue?
- Intense strength training depletes muscle glycogen which optimizes insulin sensitivity. Excess body fat accumulation is caused by poor insulin sensitivity.
- Relative muscle mass is a primary biomarker of aging; by gaining muscle tissue you can reverse the aging process.
- Muscle mass is directly linked to insulin sensitivity
“...the greater your muscle mass, the lower your risk of [premature] death.”
“Across the full range, higher muscle mass (relative to body size) is associated with better insulin sensitivity and lower risk of Pre-Diabetes.””
"Those with high muscle mass and low fat mass had the lowest risk of cardiovascular and total mortality." Preethi Srikanthan, Tamara B. Horwich, Chi Hong Tseng. Relation of Muscle Mass and Fat Mass to Cardiovascular Disease Mortality. The American Journal of Cardiology, 2016; 117 (8): 1355 DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2016.01.033
“Behind every worthwhile curve, there is a muscle.”